Thursday, November 19, 2009

Parenting & Technological Surveillance of Children

I like many others my age own a myspace and a facebook but what I have noticed to be disturbing is the behavior of those younger than me. I have witnessed fourteen year olds taking very risque photos and placing them on myspace and/or facebook. This behavior is not safe for girls that young and if I were a parent then surveillance of my child's technological uses would be highly essential. However, the surveillance that I would partake in would only last until my child is of eighteen years old because I believe that once your child becomes eighteen, they are considered by law an adult so I should consider my child as one as well. A philosophy I deeply wish my own parents shared with me. Considering that the technological education has been starting in elementary, I am slightly concerned for the future parents. I hope they know their way around a computer whether a PC or a MAC if they truly want to keep their children safe. If some kind of surveillance isn't taken then I can predict a higher crime rate dealing with sexual predators. Good luck to you all future parents because you're going to need it.
Until next time.....Keishla

Time Travel

Time travel has always been a very interesting topic which has mainly stayed in science fiction novels but not for long. The newly created technology of 3D laser scanning has the ability to create an accurate virtual world of the world we live in and those of the past. It's a new way to look back at history in a very detailed way, almost as though you were back in that era. This technology provides us with a permanent history and one that could be visited like as though traveling through time. Is it just me or does that concept seem a bit surreal to believe that time travel is possible in our generation? Time travel is something I read about in science fiction novels, the ones I was forced to read in highschool, and never thought of it actually becoming possible, at least not in my lifetime. Time travel is a nice idea but we also have to consider the major influences on history that could be made by those who time travel for the wrong reasons. Well, maybe I'm taking this time travel topic a bit far but that is truly something to think about.
Until next time.....Keishla

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009