Thursday, November 19, 2009

Parenting & Technological Surveillance of Children

I like many others my age own a myspace and a facebook but what I have noticed to be disturbing is the behavior of those younger than me. I have witnessed fourteen year olds taking very risque photos and placing them on myspace and/or facebook. This behavior is not safe for girls that young and if I were a parent then surveillance of my child's technological uses would be highly essential. However, the surveillance that I would partake in would only last until my child is of eighteen years old because I believe that once your child becomes eighteen, they are considered by law an adult so I should consider my child as one as well. A philosophy I deeply wish my own parents shared with me. Considering that the technological education has been starting in elementary, I am slightly concerned for the future parents. I hope they know their way around a computer whether a PC or a MAC if they truly want to keep their children safe. If some kind of surveillance isn't taken then I can predict a higher crime rate dealing with sexual predators. Good luck to you all future parents because you're going to need it.
Until next time.....Keishla

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